College Selection

We have helped many students for getting best career guidance & many candidates have taken our courses from best colleges.

India’s No 1 destination for BBA, Hospitality, Journalism and Pharmaceutical degree courses

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  • Single Application for many colleges
  • Best selection in Baviation, BHM, Bcom, BBA, Fashion, MBBS & our own PGP skills courses only

Book any college degrees only from us and get cashback upto Rs 60K *

*Only after admission from colleges. How to avail us this offer? 1. Write a review, share our brand and get admission before the due date. Once confirmed your payment will be given in 12 months.

Disclaimer: There is nothing as high salary. Even big college students are getting lower CTC or no employment. Anyone can promote such things. We don’t provide such activities. We provide skill education which is for full time, part time, self employment and other careers. We follow government rules of educated and skilled people.

Low score and confused about the best colleges ?

Our career counseling derive whether or not you are suitable for a particular career or role type. Live counseling from any location. We also help students get best colleges under management quota.

Choose from our best colleges & spot counseling /management quota

Choose our best rated BBA/ hospitality / Bcom / Mass communication / MBBS (Coming soon).

Study abroad best countries under Rs 10 lakhs in AUS or Singapore or EU (Keep visiting to know )

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College selection

Career Counseling Domestic Career Counseling Global
Profiling & Stream Selection
Best-Fit University Selection
Document Assistance
University Application & Finalization
Financial help (optional)
Management quota / direct admissions
Online only. Offline fees extra
Skill development Certificate (Addons)
Reference check / recommendations letter (Addons)

Pay fee: Rs 1K/ student
Click here
Profiling & Stream Selection
Best-Fit University Selection
Document Assistance
University Application & Finalization
Financial help (optional)
Minor Visa support (Other countries)
Online only. Offline fees extra
Skill development Certificate (Addons)
Reference check / recommendations letter (Addons)

Pay fee: Rs 5K/ student
Click here

  • Learn English and a foreign language of your choice
  • Discover your personality, aptitude, and skills
  • Get our professional skills anyone can study
  • Get suggestions on building your academic & extracurricular profile
  • Get assistance in finding and applying to summer internships
  • Get personalized counseling on school, universities and countries, and learn the fundamentals of the application process.
  • Never apply for job without professional skills & good internships
  • Also do some part time or gig jobs to enhance your knowledge.

Visa fees & travel cost not included. All as per the authority in respective countries

Get our Professional courses

EMI for all Indians customers

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Officially MSME & UK ISO Certified

Professional skills Mandatory (As per ET & Government)

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