Course Curriculum
Some topics will be repeated so that you can understand and they are important.
Manpower planning, leadership & performance management
For any general queries email us at or Visit our Free knowledge Library
- Recruitment & selection methods and performance
- Recruitment & manpower management
- Performance appraisal
- How to outsource staffing with our brands (Important for all HRs)
- Training need analysis, recruitment & selection
- Performance, rewards, incentive management & appraisal
- Leadership & change management
- HR performance management & data analysis
- Compensation management
- Employee talent management & OKR
- Rewards types, training budget & employee exit
- HR outsourcing, lower employees cost & pay best employees
- Recruitment and sourcing people by HR consultants
- Exit of employees on multiple grounds
- Thoughtful Hiring Practices for HR Executives
- Recruitment, contract staffing & bonds
- AI Job design and hiring AHRM Coming soon
- AI based HRM (Soon available)
Advanced HR workshop & analytics, case studies & exam
For any general queries email us at or visit our Free Knowledge Library
- Workshop for recruitment & performance appraisal analytics
- HRM case analysis & HR metrics
- Advanced recruitment, social media and digital marketing
- Linkedin Recruitment & Google Form
- AHRM assignments
- Career guidance HRM Advanced
- Comparison with other websites HRA
- Interview preparation AHRM
- Exam AHRM
- Review, suggestions and offer AHRM
- Top Asked Interview Questions
- Affiliate marketing for AHRM
Career guidance HRM Advanced
Learn the tricks how thousands of students can get best careers.
1.What is Career Guidance?
2. How my students earn and learn with my courses and Career guidance?
3.Which are best courses & jobs?
4. How to get jobs if you have less experience?
By: Professor Abir Baidya
MBA (Marketing and HR)
AIR 15th UGC NET Human resource and industrial relations
Selected in top companies like Britannia and Fortune 500 PSUs like ONGC.
What is Career Guidance?
Career guidance is the process of helping individuals (school/college students or professionals) in making adequate educational and occupational choices and in taking career decisions based on the demand and requirements of the future of work. Career guidance helps individuals make a shift from the general understanding of life and work to a more specific understanding of the realistic and practical career options that are available to them.
According to Collins dictionary, “Career Guidance refers to the advice and information about careers that helps individuals, esp. young people, decide on a career and also teaches them how to pursue their chosen career.”
How my students earn and learn with my courses and Career guidance
I provide best job ready and most advanced courses at less price. I try and help each and every student to build best skills & get some earning . No one want to spend their time in just studying they also want to earn and learn. I help every student and suggest some of the ways of full time , part time earning like jobs etc.
I use the RAISEC method to help students.
The letters in RIASEC stand for:
Realistic – Practical, Physical, Hands-on, Tool-oriented
Investigative – Analytical, Intellectual, Scientific, Explorative
Artistic – Creative, Original, Independent, Chaotic
Social – Cooperative, Supporting, Helping, Healing/Nurturing
Enterprising – Competitive Environments, Leadership, Persuading
Conventional – Detail-oriented, Organizing, Clerical
Dr. Holland’s theory proposes that there are six broad areas into which all careers can be classified. These same six areas can be used to describe people, their personalities and interests. For instance, Building careers are those that involve working with tools or machinery (e.g. carpenter, mechanic, or airline pilot). People with Building interests are typically practical types who like working with their hands and creating a tangible product.
Take a look at each of the groups who benefit from career guidance :
- Class 9th and 10th students: Students of class 9th and 10th who are at the edge of making the most vital career decision i.e. of choosing a stream to pursue for higher education benefit the most.
- Class 11th and 12th students: Students at this phase struggle a lot and often feel pressurized to make career choices based on others’ opinions.
- College graduates/ Working professionals: According to the economic times report, only about 20% of the employees are satisfied with their jobs. has the most effective and best courses trusted by students
Which are best courses & jobs?
These courses and jobs are secured jobs as per industries.
HRM, Data analyst, Sales & marketing, Finance, Fitness. To know more visit free knowledge library in your free ebook once you submit your details.
How to get jobs if you have less experience?
1. Enroll in our courses, get assignments & certifications.
2. Keep yourself with latest news.
3. Apply to job sites and reach.
4. CTR: Increase you click through rate for jobs by applying to 100 companies.
Eg. Total jobs which you have sent your CV: 100
No. of companies who called you in jobs: 40
No. of offers you got: 10
Your CTR: 10/100* = 0.1
Self employment: You can be our Individual Partners & campus mentors managers. You can be the education consultant etc. To know more click here
The reasons is because you are getting less jobs is competition & less skills.
We have given free ATS CV & best courses. Enroll now.
Those who just keep reading reviews and getting free benefits never gets any jobs.