General Knowledge

G20 list of countries

G20 list of countries for all competitive exams questions and answers for SSC, RRB NTPC, NDA, FCI, PSUs, state government exams, UPPPSC, NABARD, IBPS, Insurance etc.

List of G 20 Members

Argentina Australia
Brazil Canada
China France
Germany India
Indonesia Italy
Japan Mexico
Republic of Korea Russia
South Africa Saudi Arabia
United States of America United kingdom
European Union Turkey

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Q.1.Which of the following city organized the G20 summit held in 2020?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Brisbane
  3. Osaka
  4. Antalya

Answer (1)

Q.2 When was the G20 Summit established?

  1. 1995
  2. 1999
  3. 1998
  4. 1997

Answer (2)

Q.3. Which of the following is not a member of the G20?

  1. Singapore
  2. Indonesia
  3. Mexico
  4. Turkey

Answer (1)

Q.4. Where was the first G20 summit held and in which year?

  1. Canada 2002
  2. Britain 2008
  3. United States of America 2008
  4. France 2002

Answer (3)

Q.5. Which and when will India host a G20 Summit?

  1. 2021, 15th G20 Summit
  2. 2021, 16th G20 Summit
  3. 2022, 16th G20 Summit
  4. 2022, 17th G20 Summit

Answer (4)

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