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Top Situational Job Interview Examples

Top Situational Job Interview Examples

Companies tend to be skeptical because of the following reasons…

  • You might be a job hopper. Some people tend to switch jobs the moment they get a better salary offer.
  • You might be unqualified for the job and you quit because you couldn’t deliver.
  • You get bored easily and your solution to that is quitting.

Why did you change your career path?

If you recently changed your career path, the interviewer is sure to ask about it.

Don’t worry – there’s nothing wrong with this.

Sample Answer

I realized that being a doctor is not for me. While I did enjoy my 3 years in med school, the 6 year study period was too much.

I wanted to start making money and help out my family way before that, so I dropped out of university and started taking online courses in accounting.

Why did you decide to leave your previous/current job?

When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn:

Did you have a good reason for leaving your last job? The HR manager doesn’t want someone that just jumps ship the moment things go bad.

Also read Most common interview questions with examples


Incorrect Example:

“Oh, well, the company started bleeding cash and was on its way to bankruptcy.”


Correct Example:

“I felt like it was time – I got to a point where everything I was doing felt monotonous. I learned as much as I could at this position while delivering amazing results. It was, however, time to switch to something new.”

Why is there a gap in your work experience?

In most cases, a gap in your work experience doesn’t really mean anything. You probably have a very good reason for it.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that if you were laid off at work, or you quit and had trouble getting a new job, you should be very subtle about it.

If the interviewer knows that you’re struggling to find a job, you’re going to give them the upper hand in salary negotiations.

What would your value & look like in this role?

If you’re applying for a senior or leadership role, you’re probably going to get asked this question.

Chances are, at this stage of the interview, you already know a lot about your future position and the company.

Now, it’s time to show off your knowledge in your field, and explain how you’re going to start making things happen at the company.


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