Top courses after 18 years for getting jobs in India
Top courses after 18 years for getting jobs in India
1. Professional courses distinguish you from other applicants.
Because each industry is saturated, one must have the best skill sets to survive in the place where they will work. Every year, as the number of unemployed people and India’s population rises, we observe a growing number of students beginning their educational journey.
2. Professional courses help you to be more creative.
Professional Courses will hone your originality as the academic system leads you along predetermined paths. With all of the strain you’ll be under in degree courses, the Professional Courses will push you to new limits.
3. Professional courses will educate you how to deal with people better.
As you consider Professional Courses, there are a variety of approaches to learn how to interact with others.
Course name | Eligibility | Salary in year |
Marketing | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 3 lakhs |
Finance | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 3 lakhs |
Human Resource Enroll for our HRM courses | 10+2 / UG / PG 100% career guidance | Rs 3 lakhs Click here |
Sales | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 2 lakhs above |
Fashion | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 2 lakhs |
Journalism | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 2 lakhs |
Sports coach | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
Banking officers | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
PSU officers | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 5 lakhs |
Data analyst Enroll for our courses | 10+2 / UG / PG 100% career guidance | Rs 3 lakhs Click here |
Excel MIS Enroll for our courses | 10+2 / UG / PG 100% career guidance | Rs 3 lakhs Click here |
Digital Marketing | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 2 lakhs |
Masters of Business Administration | UG / PG | Rs 6 lakhs |
Career experts | UG/ PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
Tourism | 10+2 / UG / PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
Event planner | UG/ PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
Fitness experts | UG / PG | Rs 4 lakhs |
Self employment: You can be our Individual Partners & campus mentors managers. You can be the education consultant etc. To know more click here
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