Modern History TOP 50 most repeated MCQs
41. Who among the following was instrumental in the abolition of Sati in 1829?
a) Lord Hastings
b) Lord Ripon
c) Lord Bentick
d) Lord lrwin
42. By which Charter Act, the East India Company’s monopoly of trade with China came to an end?
a) Charter Act of 1793
b) Charter Act of 1813
c) Charter Act of 1833
d) Charter Act of 1853
43. The idea of federation was first proposed in
a) Indian Councils Act of 1892
b) Morley-Minto Reforms
c) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
d) Nehru Report of 1928
44. Pitts India Act of 1784 was a/an
a) White paper
b) Regulating Act
c) Ordinance
d) Resolution
45. Which one of the following statements is not true in respect of
A.O. Hume ?
a) He was an ornithologist.
b) He was a member of the Indian Civil Service.
c) He founded the Indian National Congress,
d) He presided over the Congress Annual Sessions twice.
46. Which of the following movements saw the biggest peasant guerrilla war on the eve of independence?
a) Noakhali Movement
b) Tebhaga Movement
c) Punnapra Vayalar Movement
d) Telangana Movement
47. Gandhi’s concept of Trusteeship:
a) Recognises right of private ownership of property
b) Transforms the capitalistic society into an egalitarian one
c) Excludes legislative regulation of the ownership and use of wealth
d) Does not fix minimum or maximum income
48. Which one of the following cities and the personalities associated with their establishment is wrongly matched ?
a) Pondicherry – Francis Martin
b) Ahmedabad – Ahmad Shah I
c) Madras – Francis Day
d) Calcutta – Robert Clive
49. Which one of the following wars decided the fate of the French in India?
a) Battle of Wandiwash
b) First Carnatic War
c) Battle of Buxar
d) Battle of Plassey
50. For the annexation of which Indian Kingdom, the “Doctrine of Lapse” was not followed ?
a) Satara
b) Nagpur
c) Jhansi
d) Punjab